CLIENT: SMURD (Romania, Pro-Bono)
DATE: 2010
SMURD (the Romanian acronym for "Serviciul Mobil de Urgenţǎ, Reanimare şi Descarcerare" - Mobile Emergency Service for Resuscitation and Extrication) was created by doctor Raed Arafat (a Syrian student who graduated Medicine in Romania) in Tirgu-Mures, soon after the Revolution (1990). The medical service emerged as a reaction to the critical and criticized ambulance system inherited from the past socialist system. SMURD was a real game-changer for the Romanian town of Tirgu-Mures, a game for life against death: the idea, simple and efficient, was to improve the early pre-hospital stage of emergency cases by treating the patients on-site, with the coordination of a physician specialized in anaesthesiology, intensive care and emergency medicine. SMURD and its founder are the most beloved brands of Tirgu-Mures for obvious reasons: life saving! Year after year, the service grew into the most respected emergency unit in Romania, with its pilot-model multiplied across cities in Romania. Sustained by public fund-raising campaigns and private sponsorship, in 2010 the Service marked its 20 years anniversary. I have designed its promotional visuals for this milestone.